The Chemistry Discipline Network was funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council from 2011 - 2013. The network continues as a way to connect people with an interest in tertiary chemistry education.
We also focus on providing the Australian Chemistry Education community with pedagogical support.
If you are interested in becoming involved, contact Siobhán Wills at
The reasons for having a network of chemistry educators are:
Outcomes and outputs of the Chemistry Discipline Network:
“Outcomes of the Chemistry Discipline Network Mapping Exercises”, James Mitchell Crow, Glennys O'Brien and Madeleine Schultz, International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 2013, 21, 81-91.
“Chemistry Discipline Network: One Year on”, James Mitchell Crow, Glennys O'Brien and Madeleine Schultz, Australian Journal of Education in Chemistry, 2012, 72, 6-8.
"The Australian Chemistry Discipline Network - a supportive community of practice in a hard science." Madeleine Schultz and Glennys O'Brien. In Implementing communities of practice in higher education - dreamers and schemers; McDonald, J., Cater-Steel, A., Eds.; Springer Nature: Singapore, 2017, pp 501-530.
Management Committee 2011 - 2013:
To contact us, please email Dr Madeleine Schultz.
The Chemistry Discipline Network is an open community of Chemistry academics from around Australia.